
Mewis Koeman,
Founder & Co-Owner of taxiID

“The app that BusyMachines built was well-received. Their expert team inspired confidence throughout the project by communicating clearly from the start.”

The customer

taxiID is a company that develops online software and mobile apps for taxi companies. Their latest project is  called YourDriverApp, a mobile dispatch solution. Mewis Koeman is the Founder and Co-Owner of taxiID.

The old situation

taxiID reached out to BusyMachines because they needed an external partner to supply an additional developer to help them get the YourDriverApp ready for launch. Their goal for this project was to bring on a senior developer that could help their team learn about industry standards, as well as assist on designing the solution. taxiID needed a partner who could provide expertise on industry standards and backend development. The taxiID team, which consisted of two app developers, a Scrum Manager, a product owner, and two web/backend developers, had been working on the YourDriverApp for about a year.

The solution

taxiID found out about BusyMachines through a referral. Another client who worked with BusyMachines recommended a partnership. Soon after, a Senior Backend Developer from BusyMachines joined the taxiID team to provide external expertise for the new platform. In terms of outcomes from the project that demonstrate progress or success, BusyMachines helped taxiID successfully implement improvements in the project.

Benefits of working with BusyMachines

Technical expertise
Good communication
Thoughtful team

How effective was the workflow between the BusyMachines team and the taxiID? We communicated in weekly online sprint meetings and daily standups via Slack.

“BusyMachines helped us to successfully implement improvements in the project approach, technology stack, and architectural design of our solution.”

“The app that BusyMachines built was well-received. Their expert team inspired confidence throughout the project by communicating clearly from the start. They also offered useful tactical advice that was subsequently implemented.”

“What we found most impressive about this company is that they were really thoughtful and great about communication.”

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